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Renovation begins on “Innovation Gateway” cancer building

Renovation begins on “Innovation Gateway” cancer building

Renovation work starts today on the Innovation Gateway at the London Cancer Hub, an incubator space for life science companies to be created through the refurbishment of an existing building on land owned by the London Borough of Sutton. The Innovation Gateway is adjacent to the newly built Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, as well as next to The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.

The renovation project is part of a wider development which aims to see the London Cancer Hub site – already home to one of the world’s leading centres for cancer research and treatment – become the world’s leading life-science campus focused on overcoming cancer.

The Innovation Gateway will offer high-quality laboratory and collaboration space for a range of innovative companies working in areas of the life sciences related to cancer. There will be a particular emphasis on housing start-ups, spin-outs and small teams from the biotech, medtech, data science and pharmaceutical industries, who will have the opportunity to work with scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research.

Kastner Lab, (the laboratory fit out division of McFeggan Brown – a national interior fit-out company, based in Bristol) have been appointed to undertake the complete refurbishment of the two-storey building, originally an NHS training centre. The building will be refitted to provide laboratories, offices and other shared facilities for the tenants.